Well what a great weekend. I got so much done! I finally made the laundry detergent. I haven't used it yet. It was extremely easy to find the ingredients too. I got the borax and fels naptha soap from Kroger. For the washing soda, you can call Arm & Hammer at 1-800-524-1328 and they'll give you a list of stores in your area where they sold it in the past 90 days. If this detergent works out, it will be uber cheap to wash clothes from now on!

It was also very gorgeous today. Most of the snow melted away and it was in the 50's! So we took the opportunity to go to the park. It was the first time in a long time that the boys didn't even need coats. Jason and Annie went for a run on the path next to the playground while the boys played. As you can tell from the picture above, Annie was quite worn out at the end of the day.

I made a small
shop update. I listed one women's apron and two children's aprons. I'm really please with how the children's aprons turned out. The fabric is so adorable. It's from
Anna Maria Horner's Chocolate Lollipop line.

I finally finished all of the bedding for Matilda's bed. Whew it was hard but worth it. Notice the wonder
AshleyG prints hanging on the wall. I love them! I need to get more for the boys' room.

I like the way the bumper pads turned out. I wasn't sure about making them all separate pieces, but I think it looks OK. And I don't think any tiny feet can push their way between each pad.

I really like the dust ruffle too. I think it looks better straight than all ruffely. All I have left now is to make the curtains and a mobile, which I'm almost done with.
Now I need rest! I think I'll sit back and knit for a while.