The good news: I finished making a much needed diaper bag. I used the country messenger bag pattern from Amy Butler, and of course some Amy Butler fabric from her Nigella line. I love how it came out. It's so roomy! The bad news: there are about a billion other projects I want to finish before the baby arrives, which is any day now. I think tonight I'll start on the
tea party sundress from Oliver + S. I'm so excited about this pattern. I have to figure out a way to make multiple sizes from one pattern. I was thinking tracing onto newspaper or something. Any suggestions out there? I'm also nervous about making buttonholes, but I think I can handle it. I'll practice lots before going for the real thing.

Here's a sweet picture of all my guys dressed in their Easter best. I brought the camera with us to church so we could get someone to take a picture of the whole family on the altar, but of course I forgot all about it. At least it stopped snowing and the sun came out so we could get good outside pictures. I even broke out the Pentax K1000 35mm, which is around 40 years old and still working just fine, and took some pictures.
It's time to go prepare Easter lunch (yummy portabello and mushroom and roasted red pepper sandwiches). Then I of course have to clean the house top to bottom for the arrival of the mother-in-law tonight. (yay) Hopefully I won't go into labor within the next couple of days so I can drag her around with me to flea markets and antique stores. The hubby's no fun to go with and just gets a glassy eyed stare when we walk into places like that.
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